Tuesday, July 30, 2013

As Summer Ends, School Begins...

First actual topic:  School Year 2013-2014!
Okay so I have a feeling I'm going to be the odd one out right now, but I actually love school.. I can't wait for it to start back up. I like my teachers, I like the schedule so I'm not lying around doing nothing, and I like my friends. But it's junior year which means the ACT and the PSAE. You have to start filling out applications and finding out where you want to go and get it narrowed down. It's a crazy amount of pressure.
It's going to be a good year though. I have new teachers for art, biology, Spanish, and English. I have a chance to finally audition for a lead part for the theater production this fall and I'm a volleyball manager too!On another note, my little sister is going to be a freshman!
But what I'm looking most forward to is Homecoming. Sure it's in October, but I get excited just thinking about it. I love the feeling as fall rolls into my little town. I love float building, and not to brag or anything, but my class won the float building competition our freshman and sophomore years. We're shooting for another victory this year.
Anyways, there is a poll at the bottom of the page for what you like the most school and one about superhero powers...random, I know, but I'm curious.
Anyways, I promise to get some more pictures up in the Picture Gallery, but until then, I'm signing out.

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