Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Music Corner

Hello again!
So like you might have noticed, I'm new at this blog thing and I can't guarantee I will post everyday, especially after school starts up because I am a definite overachiever and proud of it! But I thought that maybe every Wednesday, to the best of my ability I can suggest/ review an artist, a song, an album...something like that.
Well, this week, I'd like to suggest Rob Simonsen's 'Red.' He wrote it originally for the iPhone 5 commercial 'Music Every Day.' And while it is not available for download on iTunes, I'm sure you can find it somewhere if you really want to. For me, it's kind of happy and hopeful. It makes me smile.  The commercial is down below and if you like that, you can also check out 'Blue' below it for the iPhone 5 'Photos Every Day.'

Well, that's it for now in the Music Corner! I hate to sound like a cheesy talk show host or something, but...(clears throat) Join us next time in the Music Corner to hear about who knows what! Too much? Well, too late now. Bye!

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