Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rave!!!!!!!...and some other stuff.

So in the March of my freshman year, my Key Club hosted a rave for our school.
By the way, Key Club is a sort of a community service club. We do not actually make keys like many people think we do.
Anyways, the rave was amazing. At the time, I had no idea what a rave was. But when the night came, I stayed at the center of the crowd, I guess you can call it the entire night, dancing and jumping and just having fun. I remember when I finally got out I realized how hot it was in the group of people. It was so much fun. The following year, we tried to have one but we couldn't because we didn't have enough chaperons in time. But this year we're officially having one.

Ah! I can't even tell you how excited I am! Glow sticks, black lights, strobe lights! I will definitely have some pictures up. Until then, check out my Art Gallery! There's a bunch of pictures of my art projects from last year and this year. They aren't exactly great, but you know it's an art in progress.

See what I did there? Huh? Huh?

Nigel Wright
Getting away from my cheesy, whatever that was, above is Nigel Wright. I highly recommend his music. He's got a great voice to sing all the songs he writes himself and it's awesome. "Anna"  and "Advance" are two of my favorites. Give him a listen and let me know what you think!

Anyways, I hope everyone is having a great night...or day... whatever. I hope you're having a good time no matter where you are. From here in the Midwest, good night!

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