Thursday, July 3, 2014

New Blog!

Hey eveyone! Obviously it's been a while since I posted anything, but things have been crazy. I'm going to be a senior soon enough and I need to start making decisions on colleges and what my life will be after high school. It's scary, but I'm excited.

The whole purpose of this blog, an art in progress, was to share my life and things going on in it. It was sort of a pathway to try and help figure out what I wanted to do. And while I'm still a little unsure, I have rediscovered a passion that I have for film and movies. So check out my new blog The Film Experiment at

It's sure to be experience.

Until then, here is a painting that I did of Lorde. My art teacher though I should add some wispy smoke or something, but until I figure out how to do that without screwing up my painting this is how it'll stay.

So yeah, check out my new blog and share it with your friends. Bye!

Friday, January 24, 2014

So It's Official...

I am in the running for the Iolian editor for the I-I Key Club District.
I am scared out of my mind right now. I have to give a speech at the end of February and prove to who knows how many people that I deserve to write and edit articles for the Iolian. (By the way, it's a newsletter that goes out Key Clubs across the I-I District.)
How am I to make the best impression of a lifetime? How can I show them how much I want this? How do I show them how much I care and how hard I work on a daily basis to improve my Key Club? How?
I don't know. All I know is I need to make a piece of campaign literature and email it in before next Friday along with necessary paperwork that needs to be filled out. Welcome to the life of a Key Clubber.
But you know, despite all of the worrying, the stress and crazy late nights, it's all worth it. Because in the end, being a member of Key Club isn't about what your position is. It's all about making a difference in the world, whether you are given credit for it or not.
Well, wish me luck!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Oh dear...Tom Odell

If you're anything like me, you don't just love music, you LOVE music. It helps you get through the day to day life that sometimes you just feel like you can't bear. It makes you happy, sad, and mad because that's what good music is supposed to do. It's supposed to tell a story of emotions and help you feel a certain way.
Or at least that's what I think it's supposed to be like.

No matter!
I am here to talk to you about Tom Odell. He is a fantastic British singer/songwriter. His music is just awesome! I don't really know how else to describe it. I might be able to describe it in the future but I kind of just discovered his music so I'm still in a state of marvel. 
His album Long Way Down is his first and only album so far. My favorites so far are "Grow Old With Me" and "I Know."

Here are the music videos...

I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think and who are some artists you've discovered recently. Have you got any suggestions for me?
Anyways, I've got to get going. I have a paper to write for class. So until next time...

Oh! P.S. My Art Wall is updated. Check it out!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rave!!!!!!!...and some other stuff.

So in the March of my freshman year, my Key Club hosted a rave for our school.
By the way, Key Club is a sort of a community service club. We do not actually make keys like many people think we do.
Anyways, the rave was amazing. At the time, I had no idea what a rave was. But when the night came, I stayed at the center of the crowd, I guess you can call it the entire night, dancing and jumping and just having fun. I remember when I finally got out I realized how hot it was in the group of people. It was so much fun. The following year, we tried to have one but we couldn't because we didn't have enough chaperons in time. But this year we're officially having one.

Ah! I can't even tell you how excited I am! Glow sticks, black lights, strobe lights! I will definitely have some pictures up. Until then, check out my Art Gallery! There's a bunch of pictures of my art projects from last year and this year. They aren't exactly great, but you know it's an art in progress.

See what I did there? Huh? Huh?

Nigel Wright
Getting away from my cheesy, whatever that was, above is Nigel Wright. I highly recommend his music. He's got a great voice to sing all the songs he writes himself and it's awesome. "Anna"  and "Advance" are two of my favorites. Give him a listen and let me know what you think!

Anyways, I hope everyone is having a great night...or day... whatever. I hope you're having a good time no matter where you are. From here in the Midwest, good night!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Back again!

Gosh! It seems like almost an eternity since I was on here last, but I guess that happens.
But no matter, because my New Years Resolution is to be better about keeping up with this. It helps me to write and it's a stress reliever so why not?

Anyways, update on life in general... working at McDonald's, thinking about going to college in England, and I am officially ready for track season. However, I'm going to have to wait a while for that last one because there's a wind shield temperature of -40 degrees outside right now. Or at least that's what it was last time I checked. It's so crazy. There's even frost in the southwest corner of my bedroom wall right now.

I'll admit it's not my best picture, but it was taken on a iPod, so it doesn't get much better than that.

Continuing...Anyone seen The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, yet? It's only fantastic.
Now if you've read the original short story by James Thurber you'll know that no matter which version of the story you're talking about, you know Walter is a daydreamer. Not only is he a daydreamer, but he is constantly being picked on for having his head in the clouds. 

Fun fact: the 1947 version of the movie with Danny Kaye was loved by movie goers everywhere. However, James Thurber hated it so much so he even apologized to his character, Walter, for the movie.

Well, I hope he hasn't turned over in his grave over Ben Stiller's recent release because it honestly stays true to the essence of the character, I think. If you haven't seen it I hope you do. It reminds me, personally, of who I am at heart. I daydream and aspire to greater things than I think are possible, but sometimes those things are possible. We just have to go out and do it.

So I have to go now, but I promise to post some pictures soon of some art I've done in class. Quick comment, it's not my best but that's what classes and practice are for, right? Getting better.